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How to Succeed in Onlyfans: Secrets of the Top 1% Creators

Estimated Reading Time: 2 min 47 sec

Since its surge in fame, OnlyFans top 1% creator has been the level every creator strives to reach. We’ve seen the likes of Bella Thorne bank a whopping $1 million in just 24 hours. Not to speak of Black Chyna, who currently occupies the top earner’s position with an estimated monthly earning of $20 million. So, how do you also succeed in OnlyFans?

Sadly, only a few creators ever reach this mark, and the rest feed off the grubs and leftovers. Today, you get to know the secrets to succeed in OnlyFans.

If you didn’t know already, the top 1% creator mark has to do with how much a creator earns on OnlyFans, and these top creators have found a way to continuously milk cash off this platform.

But how did they (The top 1% creators) get there? What do they do differently, and what’s their secret strategy? In this article, we’ll look at 11 success secrets of the Top 1% of creators and how you can also succeed in OnlyFans.

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Secrets to Succeed in OnlyFans

If you’re in the grey area still trying to figure out what the OnlyFans top 1% creator profile is, you’re in for a treat. The top 1% creators level is where the real money is! For starters, it means you’re earning well, above $10,000 monthly, and as you may have noticed, that’s a lot of cash these mavericks make. More like a starting point to the actual amount of money they earn.

While the majority of creators don’t earn this amount, it may strike a few curious minds to try and figure out how these OnlyFans stars got to this position and what they did differently that most creators don’t do. Well, the few curious minds (we) had to spend years studying these folks and seeing what they do differently, and we discovered the exact same recipes for their success. Furthermore, these strategies can be replicated by just any creator on OnlyFans. So without further ado, here are 11 success secrets of the Top 1% of creators. 

1. Success on OnlyFans is a Power Thing

The one thing that sets the Top 1% of creators apart is their confident display of power. And as you know, power usually breeds success if used correctly and in the proper form. These folks have discovered that it is more successful to lead with an iron fist than settle under the rulership of their fanbase. And by an iron fist, we mean making the rules and setting the terms. They understand that before the opinion of their subscribers, theirs should come first. As much as this may come off as rude or mean, the fans who follow these power-filled individuals would say otherwise. The creators also follow OnlyFans rules to the letter.

Exuding power is a success trait, and we’ve found this trait in every creator who hovers around the top 1% profile. They understand when to be a little nice and when to switch it up entirely. But most importantly, they reflect a domineering aura that makes their fans love them even more. And the reason for this isn’t exactly difficult to see. People admire other people who are influential or come off as strong and fierce, and the aesthetic brilliance of the top 1% creators coupled with a sneaky show of power is what enables them to succeed in OnlyFans.

2. They’re only Ecstatic about the top 1% creators

Just like the first reasons above, exuding power keeps these creators afloat, but relating with power is another thing. As much as these top folks won’t admit it, they’re coy about associating with the top 1% creators than regular creators. It’s quite an easy one to understand. As a top creator, associating with creators with a higher following or exposure allows them to grow even further as a creator. Most importantly, they get to glean off the pool of attention and exposure from other top creators.

This in itself is a secret to succeed in OnlyFans most top creators won’t let out. It’s also a reason why they stay rich. For regular creators, these role models are a means to gain more exposure, while for the creators, it’s an opportunity to make more money on OnlyFans and continue staying afloat.

To understand this, you first know that there are over 70,000 creators on OnlyFans, and if someone is in the top 1% creator rating, it means they’re making more money than the other 99%

So if a new creator without many subscribers or exposure walks up to a creator and asks to be promoted, they’re more likely to be charged a high price for this. This in itself is fuel to keep making more money than the regular creators. So while the starting creators earn exposure, the top folks earn more money to keep their position. This is a display of tactical nous and one secret strategy that every top creator adopts.

3. They’re not concerned with numbers

If you’re a new creator or model on OnlyFans, then you’ll admit it is way difficult to stop looking up the number of subscribers you have or the number of hits your posts have garnered. It’s one thing new creators do. They’re more concerned with numbers. On the other hand, the top 1% of creators pay less or no attention to the numbers. Instead, they’re looking forward to earning the next dollar, and that’s why they are in the top 1%.

As a creator, you must understand that in order to get into the Top 1% creator rating, you have to make a decent amount of dollars on OnlyFans per month. To that end, you should be more in sync with the next step you need to take to make more money. That’s what top creators do; they spend most of their time evolving their strategies and inventing innovative ways to make money on OnlyFans. For this, you may notice how active they may get with their content and fan engagements, improving their offers and thinking of the next big content idea that’s going to get more people to subscribe.

4. They boss other platforms

You can take on a little assignment by checking out the top creators on other platforms, and you will notice that they’re already trending on other platforms besides OnlyFans. Most of these folks are already lit-up sensations on other platforms before joining OnlyFans, and they take it quite seriously too. Of course, they’re making a decent amount off OnlyFans, but a fraction of that amount wouldn’t be possible without the attention they got from other platforms. It’s as simple as a walk in the park; they understand the power of building a following, whether this was done intentionally with the plans to go on OnlyFans someday or not. But the fact remains, bossing other platforms is a big player to getting on the top 1% creator rating on OnlyFans.

5. They depend heavily on Tips And PPVs as much as Paid subscriptions

This may be quite a difficult pill to swallow, but if you’re a creator who depends on making money from OnlyFans through subscriptions alone, then you may as well kiss the dream to succeed in OnlyFans goodbye. It’s one edge the top 1% of creators have over regular creators on OnlyFans; they understand how to leverage off tips and PPV messages.

It’s a simple trick. People may always have second thoughts about subscribing to your content the next month, especially after they feel they’ve probably seen enough. Once that interest fades away, you could be back on the streets as no subscriber feels moved by your baits. One way the top creators keep hitting that high figure is through tips and PPV messages. These earning models provide the instant gratification their fans crave while, in turn, earning them money to keep their place in the top 1% creators’ spot.

Additionally, most new creators feel ashamed to request tips. However, we can confidently tell you that the top-earning creators milk as much as they can from tips and Pay per view messages, and they are not ashamed to do it because it is an effective way to succeed on OnlyFans. That’s because they understand that these other earning sources are what translates to the big-figure income at the end of the month.

6. It doesn’t start or end on OnlyFans, and they probably don’t care

Time and time again, new creators go on OnlyFans and just focus on just the platform, depleting all their energy and focus on this site. While the intention isn’t necessarily bad, it’s probably why you’re not getting where you should. The top creators understand that it isn’t just about OnlyFans; they have a decent life and attention aside from OnlyFans and provide an equal or matching energy to every other endeavor. For instance, most top 1% of creators already have a decent audience on Instagram, Twitter, and other social platforms. They also spend their time building their reputation here. It’s way easier to convert this reputation and followings to cash than a creator who depends solely on OnlyFans.

So generally, we advise new models or creators who are just coming onboard to connect on other platforms and build a following before getting pretty serious with OnlyFans. This way, you will thrive and succeed in OnlyFans. But most importantly, it makes the goal of becoming a top 1% model or creator on OnlyFans a lot easier to achieve.

Building a reputation from scratch is quite a complicated process without an extra hand. That’s why we’re here to lend a helping hand. Let us help you gain mainstream attention and grow your brand on OnlyFans. That way, you can reach the top 1% creator rating in no time. Apply now.

7. Their pictures and Videos are of High Resolution and Quality

Why do you think people who stream videos on YouTube immediately opt to adjust the video quality to the highest resolution possible? It’s because they want to see everything as clearly as possible. It’s just a human thing to expect the best and one thing the top 1% creators do to keep making more money is offering the best resolution and picture quality available. This alone separates the high earners from the regular creators on OnlyFans as you can immediately spot the difference the moment you view their content. It boasts a high quality and gives you a clearer picture of what you’re paying for as against blurry or pixelated content.

8. It’s either Quality Content or Nothing

Think for a second, what happens when there’s a lot of low-quality content? People get tired and eventually leave you for the next creator who’s offering better quality. Yes, you post lots of content every other day, but you know what? People are probably tired of seeing the same thing or routine over and over again. This might ruin your chances to succeed on OnlyFans. Here’s where the top 1% creators come in, they prioritize quality over quantity, and why should they? Because they understand that they can get as many subscribers eating off their hands for a premium fee.

It’s the law of supply and demand; When a particular commodity becomes too widespread, it loses its value; hence people stop demanding, but if the same commodity becomes scarce, it’s more likely to garner a lot of demand from people. The top 1% creators on OnlyFans have mastered the art of knowing when to post and how to tease their fans to keep their eyes peeled for more. They’re constantly thinking of when the next teaser will drop so they can consume, and this alone is a powerful tool in the hands of these elite creators as they now control the flow of things and can as well charge more, knowing how much their fans want it.

9. They make you stare in wonder

How often do you see a top creators’ page for the first time and instantly feel the urge to look again? Probably every time. Do you know why? It’s a thing every top creator has in common, the ability to make you stare in wonder or astonishment. This could be a sneaky detail on their Bio, the angle at which their profile picture was taken, or perhaps the surrounding. Whatever it is, it gets you on your toes, and you instantly want to grab a second stare. These top creators understand how to create a memorable first-time moment for people who go through their profiles. For this, they leverage every OnlyFans hack available to create a scintillating visual in the minds of their fans.

10. They always let you in on what they’re offering

We searched and went through the profiles of most of the top 1% creators and found that they all had one thing in common: they were open and expressive towards the content offered and the frequency at which they offer their services.

Imagine going through a particular cereal in a mall and not being able to know what benefits it packs; the same idea applies to potential subscribers on OnlyFans. They always want to know what they’ll get once they subscribe. But, of course, no one wants to waste their cash on something that will not pay off. Taking this into consideration, the top 1% of creators take time to lay out the services they offer and how often they will do this. It helps potential subscribers make an easy decision when they go through your profile. Otherwise, they could move on to the next offer which gives them an idea of what to expect.

11. They work with an Agency

Although this is coming last one the list, it’s one of the essential secrets to succeed in OnlyFans. Starting out on OnlyFans can be challenging, given the number of creators already hitting it big. Even worse, getting into that top creator rating can be almost impossible. However, most top creators immediately see this and seize the opportunity to maximize their chances of reaching the top earners’ rating. OnlyFans agencies are the muscles behind the success of most top creators and this is kept from regular creators who just start out on the platform. So while regular creators work hard to make a mark, the top creators are already light years ahead as they’re constantly fed with top industry strategies and tips that help them stay top creators.

You can be part of that top 1% rating and start reeling in some serious cash in no time. Fandafia can help you achieve Immense growth and success in no time. So apply now to get started.


OnlyFans offers an equal opportunity to every creator on its platform. However, how you choose to utilize this opportunity and the strategies you integrate is what sets apart the top 1% of creators from you and determines whether you will succeed in OnlyFans or not.

The question of how to succeed in OnlyFans can be best answered by learning the secrets of the top 1% creators and acting on them. If you need help boosting your OnlyFans success rate, do not hesitate to reach out to Fandafia.

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