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Make Money on OnlyFans Like an Expert OnlyFans Model
Estimated Reading Time: 2 min 49 sec
Have you recently joined OnlyFans, or are you already a creator looking for ways to make money on OnlyFans consistently?
OnlyFans is a subscription-based site that allows creators to make money from their content. You can make money on OnlyFans by creating appealing content, posting, promoting, and earning through Subscriptions, tips, Pay per view content and more.
Although OnlyFans is quite famous for its wide acceptance of adult content, the site is not just a porno site filled entirely with X-rated content. In fact, many creators make money on OnlyFans creating content about regular stuff.
If you’re a creator on this site, then we’ll assume you’re probably raking in some cash as It’s almost impossible not to make money on OnlyFans, given the endless opportunities available to creators. However, if you aren’t already earning money from your work with this platform, this article will guide you through the process of earning from your content.

How much do creators earn on OnlyFans
The staggering amounts top earners like Bella Thorne make on a monthly basis can surely make content creation on OnlyFans more appealing. Although, there are more top earners like Bella who make over $100,000 monthly from their work. Those numbers are far from realistic, especially for a creator who is just starting out without the help of an OnlyFans agency. On the other hand, average creators who have at least 21 paying subscribers make $180 every month.
OnlyFans charges 20% off every creator’s total earnings by the end of the month. So while a creator keeps a larger 80% the remaining 20% goes to OnlyFans. Although the amount charged may depend on if you’re managing a paid or free subscription page.
Paid OnlyFans page VS. Free OnlyFans page
People often argue about the difference between paid OnlyFans pages and free OnlyFans pages. A few even come to the conclusion that there’s no huge difference when it comes to both. Well, here’s all you need to know about both pages on this platform.
A paid OnlyFans Page, just like the name, requires a monthly subscription from your fan base to access, while a free OnlyFans Page is easily and freely accessible by your audience.
If you’re just starting out on OnlyFans, it may be advisable first to build an audience with a free subscription account. This way, people get to know about you and the content you’re offering.
How to make money on OnlyFans with a free Subscription account
Since it’s free doesn’t mean you can rack steady sums of money from it monthly. In fact, many creators with free Subscription accounts make as much as those with paid Subscription accounts.
If you know your way around, you can earn as much with your free Subscription account on this platform. Even if you don’t, there are credible management teams that can help guide you. Apply now.
One of the greatest advantages of a free account is that it lets you build a large audience base. People love free stuff and are more likely to view them at first glance. So if they dig your content, then chances are that they will follow you to see more of your content. Also, you can create a digital store and make sales off of OnlyFans’ traffic.
Ways to make money on OnlyFans
To make money on OnlyFans, you must put in the work to create scintillating and unique content. People will instantly fall in love with your content if it’s good and of a high standard. Read on to discover the best ways expert OnlyFans models make money on OnlyFans.
#1. Paid subscription
When content creators first start out on OnlyFans, they’re first drawn to earning through a paid subscription model offered on the platform, and it’s easy to see why. Paid subscriptions are so far the oldest and most effective ways to make money on OnlyFans. Content creators get to charge a subscription fee for content put behind a paywall, and in order for their fans or subscribers to access this content, they’ll have to pay a subscription fee.
It is simply a food for thought. You’re offering something worth their while, something exclusive! And you don’t have to worry if your fans will pay to see more. If your free content is already great, then that’s surely a reason to charge a price for it. Plus, it shows there’s an added value, and fans love value. So they’ll certainly pay up your subscription fee to see more.
Content creators moderate subscription fees, so they can actually charge as high or low as long as it’s within OnlyFans paid subscriptions rate, which is currently between $4.99 and $49.99.
#2. Why Paid subscriptions are an effective way to make money on OnlyFans
If you’re a model or content creator on OnlyFans already offering regular content, chances are that your fans will itch to see more. Or simply put, you want to offer something more premium or exclusive to make money on OnlyFans.
Say for instance, you’re an adult content creator who occasionally posts regular photos and videos, and you’d like to go exclusive and dangle your fit in the water by creating nude content. You can paywall such content so that your fans can know that if they’re to see it, they’ll have to pay a price. It may be a difficult process if you aren’t turning heads already. Conversely, if your fans love your content, they’ll surely be curious to see something more exclusive.
If you’re having a hard time figuring out the best content planning strategy, an agency can help you tick the boxes with proven tips on content creation and exclusivity. Plus, it’s your opportunity to make money on OnlyFans like never before.
It ignites a feeling of curiosity and draws the exclusivity boundary
Pay walling your content instantly lights the candle of curiosity in the minds of your fans. They’ll immediately figure out you’re offering something rather than the usual, and they’ll be ready to go ahead and subscribe to it to feed their curiosities.
Also, why should you create content that requires a subscription to access if it isn’t exclusive? It’s just like a pack of orange juice; It’s basically more value and exclusivity that makes it pricey else, they’d cost the same as regular oranges.
Besides, your fan base understands the line between premium and regular, and they’re sure going to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Instantly create a consistent income stream
Charging a one-off is great. However, it isn’t consistent! Paid subscriptions become due by the end of the month, and your fans will need to subscribe again to continue gleaning off your content. It brings about consistency, as you’re constantly sure of being handed a paycheck at the end of the month.
Encourage or reward loyal fans/subscribers
Although paid subscriptions may seem like a way to constantly make money on OnlyFans, it’s much more than that. Paid subscription content is your hard work and promise to your fans to keep providing great OnlyFans content for their satisfaction. It’s a promise of continuity and a reward for loyalty to your subscriber base.
#3. Paid posts
A paid post is another great way to make money on OnlyFans. Content creators managing a free subscription account can take advantage of this and add an extra income by pay walling a few of their content.
It’s easy and effective if you already have a good one going with your fans. Some of your content will make your fans know you’re offering something different this time, and if they already love your free content, then they’ll pay to see what’s in there.
#4. Send more PPV messages to make money on OnlyFans
OnlyFans strives to add as many money-earning opportunities to its content creators. For example, pay-per-view messages or paid messages offer creators the opportunity to actually connect directly to fans and offer them a chance to pay for exclusive content.
You can reach out to a select number of your followers or fans and pitch a viewing idea for exclusive content, and they’ll be willing to pay extra to access this premium offer.
The good thing about paid messages is that they are available to free and paid Subscription accounts. However, there’s an added advantage to free accounts. Creators managing free subscription accounts can set up their accounts in such a way that warrants a tip for your fans to message you.
So if your fans want to send a direct message, they’ll have to leave a tip. This way, you make extra off your reputation and content.
#5. Request for tips
Tipping is one way fans say they appreciate your content. In addition to their monthly subscription, a fan may decide to tip you for the content they found helpful or support your cause by leaving a tip.
In order to access tips from your fans, you need to have at least 5 or more posts on your page. Fans can leave tips on your stories, while streaming your content, direct messages, and on your posts.
#6. Go live to make money on OnlyFans
Fans often adore the creators they subscribe to, and live streams or pay-per-view streams are another way to make money on OnlyFans. From regular interactions to answering questions fans may have. It’s a way of showing authenticity and intimacy with your fans. More so, your fans will be itching to see how you are on a normal day, unlike in non-live content.
More importantly, content models and creators can utilize this opportunity to make extra cash from access tickets. Asides from promoting a product, creators can change a ticket fee to access their live streams or request tips from fans who appreciate the live interaction.
This can be an amazingly fun way to make money on OnlyFans altogether, as fans get the rare opportunity to have a live interaction with their adored models or content creators while the creators make some added cash off extra time.
Additionally, you can make things more interesting by inviting a co-author to join your live stream. This way, you both can make money off the live stream.
For effective live streaming ideas to excite your fans, Apply now for professional OnlyFans agency tips and proven content planning strategies that have worked for top models.
Additional ways to make money on OnlyFans
Asides from paid Subscriptions and the other methods listed above, content creators can get creative with monetizing on OnlyFans. Here are additional ways to make money on OnlyFans.
Fund raising
Your fans are interested in everything that you do, including the things you support. Fundraising is another great way models, or creators can raise money from their OnlyFans fan page. All you need to do is create a post explaining the cause as well as the target of donations, and your fans will be willing to support this cause as well.
Promotional campaigns
If you’re a new creator on this platform, then it could seem rather insane charging fans a fortune to subscribe to your content. More so, most fans may have second thoughts before actually committing to a creator they have no idea about. A good way to salvage this is to include a promotional discount on subscriptions.
OnlyFans allows creators to extend discounts on their subscriptions between 5% and 100% of their Subscription price. This way, it becomes more appealing to reel in new subscribers as well as get more subscribers to commit to your content.
Subscription bundles
Adding subscription bundles is a lucrative and rewarding way to encourage your loyal fans. You can always include subscription plans that span several months. Say two or three months of subscriptions to your content at a discounted price. The discount rate for loyal subscribers is from 5% to 70% for loyal fans.
It may seem quite insignificant, but it isn’t. Most free pages on OnlyFans offer shout-outs to brands and other creators. Just like Instagram influencing, If you have many fans on the platform, then other creators pay you to do a shout-out for them. You can charge as much as you want as long as both parties accept it.
Tips to maximize the amount of money you make on OnlyFans
Build a follower base
A piece of advice we give to models or content creators just starting out on this platform is to build a rich following.
One way to thrive on this platform is to have a large fan base. It’s one trick many content creators don’t let out easily. However, if you have a large fan base, then there’s every chance that a fraction of that number will be interested in actually subscribing to your content or buying what you’re selling.
So if you have 20,000 followers on this platform and at least 1 percent of that number pays to subscribe to your content, you set $13.99. That amounts to $2,798 in a month for just 1 percent of your 20,000 followers. Now, imagine you actually get 5 percent to subscribe to your content. That’s a whopping $13,990 monthly, excluding tips! That’s certainly a fat paycheck earned from just posting content.
Always ask for tips!
Getting tipped is another way to get some bucks on OnlyFans. Content models or creators can take huge advantage of this by requesting tips from their fans. Although, a few folks here may have other opinions on requesting tips from fans. The truth stands, tips can always complement your earnings on this site.
While some creators may rarely request tips, we advise you always to request tips if you’re going to meet that high earner’s rating. It can be a fun and exciting one altogether. Say you just sold a product or insightful info, you can tell your fans to leave a tip if your content helped them in one way or the other.
Be consistent
Your fans or subscribers have tuned to your content because you offer something they love. They subscribed to see more! If you’re going to have to keep up with the numbers, then you’re going to have to be consistent with creating content.
The content you create excites your fans and keeps them on their toes. So, they’re going to be pissed as well as turned off if you don’t produce such content regularly. And you would inevitably see your earnings drop in a short time.
Find a sweet spot between posting regular content and exclusive content. Your subscribers will appreciate it by subscribing again or leaving a tip.
Never let your standards drop
It’s one thing to make content consistently, and it’s another to maintain a high standard always. Think of your OnlyFans engagement as a 7-5 job and understand that each day you turn up to work late or put up a hogwash attitude at work, you’ll be fined for it. It’s the same thing! The moment your content subscribers notice your standards are dropping, they will lose focus on your content and may possibly look somewhere else for excitement and quality.
Build a real connection with your fans
Julian Shaw says, “Rapport is everything. When you say slide into the DMs, you can’t be looking at it just as a business transaction, there are people on the other end of this payment gateway, and if you forget about the people on the other side, you’re not going to have longevity on the site. You might blow up but I really don’t think people are going to stick around, and keep re-bill on. You are offering a genuine human connection, and arising from that are the needs that people will have, the kind of content they want to see.”
Promote your content on social media platforms. We’ve already spoken about building a follower base. One such way to build a great fan base is to promote your content on social media platforms. NEVRMIND says, “You’ve got to make sure you post your links on whatever platform you find the most engagement, for me I post it on Instagram because I think it converts well.”
Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter are great places to do this. Even better, if you already have a decent audience from your social handles, the transition process and promotion will be a lot easier, as you will be dealing with people who already know you as against a new fan base.
Hire an expert OnlyFans agency to help you make money on OnlyFans
Most creators who start out on OnlyFans find earning their first bucks on the platform difficult. And that’s quite understandable. It takes time actually to build a decent number of followers. Plus, your content strategies can be a fault too. However, Fandafia can help you maximize your potential and easily earn money. With the industry’s experience and clear-cut strategies, you can be among the top-earning models on this platform.
Final thoughts
There are several ways to make money on OnlyFans while providing fun and excitement to fans. You can benefit off the many ways to make money on OnlyFans, from paid Subscriptions to offering discounts and shout-outs on this platform. Every perk is an opportunity to earn more. So create, share and make money on OnlyFans.